
BaseX Tile Fixer
- Exceptional bonding properties, compared to the traditional system of only cement slurry tiling.
- It can be used with both grey and white cement.
- Suitable for Ceramic & Vitried tiles.
- Self-curing of cement slurry.
- Economical solution for tile xing.
- High adhesion.
Product Description
BaseX Tile fixer is economical on-site mix additive to be mixed with water prior to use with Portland Cement(s) for Traditional Wet Bed Method for fixing of tiles. It works as a great enhancer for cement slurry to provides workability, sufcient sag resistance as well as appropriate setting time. It makes cement self-cured.
This product is used for xing tiles on both the Interior and Exterior Installation of Tiles/Stones on Floors over cement-based surface of Concrete, Mortar Beds for Residential and Commercial use and can be applied by notch trowel.