

BaseX Epoxy Grout


Product Description

Base- X epoxy grout is a stain free, colour-fast, chemical resistant, 100% solid Epoxy Grout for ceramic tile, vitrified tiles, marble and stone. It is ideally suited for residential and commercial installations where materials must resist physical abuse, shock and chemical attack.


For interior/exterior residential, commercial, hospitals, hotels and external facades.


Coverage (in sq. mtr.)

Varies with tile size and grout width

Is It Possible To Put Epoxy Grout Over Cement-Based Grout?
Yes, it is possible to put epoxy grout over cement-based grout. However, it is essential to dig the existing cement out of the joints until its halfway the tile’s depth before doing this process. Scraper or the grout saw is the most appropriate tool to use for this case. This depth is vital for the new epoxy grout so it can adhere to the tile edges and the remaining sanded grout. For overhead installation, it is crucial to leave the epoxy in the bucket for a few minutes after mixing so it can set up. Through this, the epoxy mixture becomes stiffer and tackier.
What's the Difference Between Epoxy and Cement Grout?
The one sole difference between epoxy grout and cement grout is cement is made of some cement powder whereas epoxy grout is made up from epoxy resins and filler powder, which however makes epoxy grout more durable, reliable & Stain proof. When it comes to cement grout, then this is the cheap grouting option as compared to epoxy grout because of its porous nature. It can easily absorb water and so stain that results in discoloration over time. Benefits of epoxy grout is that It is waterproof, durable , long lasting and stain proof. So its preferred that one should use epoxy grout rather than cement grout.
Floor & Wall Tile Adhesive
BaseX Series 1
BaseX Series 3
BaseX Series 5

Disclaimer :

The information given here is based on the best of our knowledge, good faith, experience and laboratory based results and therefore the results will vary depending on the real time application. Also, the values indicated in this Data Sheet here are subject to ± 10% variance due to multiple factors. The recommendation on Tile usage given here is only indicative as it varies from different types and qualities of Tiles, their absorbing nature, manufacturers, etc. Also, the performance of our Tile Adhesive depends on the workmanship/quality of application job at the site. Hence BaseX India Pvt Ltd is not responsible for any sort of claims/disputes arising out of any negative results by using our Tile Adhesive ranges of products. BaseX India Pvt Ltd is not held responsible for use of this product for applications other than specified and/or adopting any faulty application/curing methodologies. It is the user’s responsibility to have through this Technical Data Sheet prior to applying our products and to ensure with us that any product information is still prevailing at the time of application. Also the user must be sure that the product is suitable for the use intended and also applied it as specified while taking care of all precautionary measures. While all the products comply with the properties shown on current technical data sheets/brochures, We do not warrant or guarantee the products’ performance as it doesn’t have any control over factors adopted during its actual application.